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Train and Predict Titanic Dataset Using DNNClassifer in SQLFlow

In this tutorial we will:

  1. train a DNNClassifer model using Titanic dataset.
  2. use the trained model to predict the class of the passenger’s survival status.

About The Titanic Dataset

The dataset is already loaded in the MySQL service in the docker image, under database titanic. Please refer to Kaggle for more details about the dataset. The task is to predict which passenger can survive the tragedy.

We use feature engineering to preprocess the raw data and creating new features. The feature engineering script is in the current directory.

The Titanic dataset after preprocessed contains twenty-two features and one label. The features identify the characteristics of individual passengers on titanic. Each feature is stored as a single float number. The label indicates the individual passenger survival. The label is stored as an integer and the possible values are zero and one (one: survived, zero: deceased).

Here are some of the column descriptions of the dataset:

Column Explain
pclass_* One-hot value for the “Pclass” field in the raw data.
sex_* One-hot value for the “Sex” column in the raw data.
embarked_* One-hot value for the “Embarked” column in the raw data.
title_* The title identified from the “Name” field.
nosibsp Constructed from the “SibSp” field to determine if the passenger has siblings/spouses aboard the Titanic.
noparch Constructed from the “Parch” field to determine if the passenger parents/children aboard the Titanic.
nullcabin Determine if the “Cabin” field is null(1 Yes, 0 No).
family Constructed from the “Parch” and “SibSp” and indicated the number of relatives of all families, including himself, siblings, spouses, parents children.
isalone Indicated whether the passenger is alone or not (1 Yes, 0 No).
ismother Indicate whether the passenger is a mother or not (1 Yes, 0 No).
realfare Constructed from the “family” and “Fare” fields, which reveals the actual fare price for each passenger.

Table titanic.train includes the processed training samples and titanic.test includes test samples. We will use them as training data and test data respectively.

We can have a quick peek of the data by running the following standard SQL statements.

describe titanic.train;
select *
from titanic.train
limit 1;

Train a DNN Model Using SQLFlow

Now let’s train a DNNClassifier model. This is a two-category model, we use three hidden layers and the size of hidden layers are ten, forty, ten. This can be done by specifying the training clause using SQLFlow’s extended syntax.

TO TRAIN DNNClassifier
    model.n_classes = 2,
    model.hidden_units = [10, 40, 10]

To specify the training data, we use a standard SQL statement like SELECT * FROM titanic.train.

We can explicitly specify which column is used as features and which column is used as the label by writing

COLUMN pclass_1, pclass_2, pclass_3, sex_female, sex_male, embarked_c, embarked_q, embarked_s, title_master, title_misc, title_miss, title_mr, title_mrs, nosibsp, noparch, nullcabin, cabinalpha, family, isalone, ismother, age, realfare
LABEL survived

At the end of the training process, we want to save the trained DNN model into the table sqlflow_models.my_dnn_model as follows:

INTO sqlflow_models.my_dnn_model

Putting it all together, we have our SQLFlow training statement. You can modify those parameters to do model tuning.

FROM titanic.train
TO TRAIN DNNClassifier
  model.n_classes = 2,
  model.hidden_units = [10, 40, 10],
  train.epoch = 200,
  train.batch_size = 64
COLUMN pclass_1, pclass_2, pclass_3, sex_female, sex_male, embarked_c, embarked_q, embarked_s, title_master, title_misc, title_miss, title_mr, title_mrs, nosibsp, noparch, nullcabin, cabinalpha, family, isalone, ismother, age, realfare
LABEL survived
INTO sqlflow_models.my_dnn_model;

Predict Passenger Survival

SQLFlow also supports prediction out-of-the-box.

To specify the prediction data, we use a standard SQL statement like

SELECT * FROM titanic.test;

Say we want to use the model stored at sqlflow_models.my_dnn_model, and read the prediction data from table titanic.test, and store the prediction result into table titanic.predict’s column survived. We can write the following SQLFlow prediction statement.

FROM titanic.test
TO PREDICT titanic.predict.survived
USING sqlflow_models.my_dnn_model;

FROM titanic.test

FROM titanic.predict