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Design Doc: Distributed Embedding Layer


Embedding layers are commonly used in deep learning to represent discrete variables, e.g., words, as continuous vectors, e.g., word embedding vectors. The parameter of an embedding layer, known as an embedding table, is a VxN-tensor, where V is the vocabulary size, and N is the output dimension or the dimension of the word embedding vectors. With a large V, the embedding table might out-size the memory, and we’d need model parallelism with distributed training.

TensorFlow 1.x has a native solution for distributed training. It starts multiple processes, each running the TensorFlow runtime and communicating with each other to form a distributed runtime. TensorFlow 1.x represents deep learning computations as a data structure known as graphs. The native distributed training strategies partition a graph into smaller ones, and each process executes a sub-graph. With low-level APIs like tf.create_partitioned_variable, the distributed runtime can split a large embedding table and save the pieces on various computers.

TensorFlow 2.x, known for the new eager-execution mode, does no longer rely on graphs. The API is more flexible than the graph-based API and allows us to implement distributed training out of the runtime. ElasticDL explores an alternative approach to model parallelism – saving large tensors in an external distributed storage service, for example, Redis and Memcached.

Distributed Storage

An embedding table is a data structure that maps a discrete value, i, to a vector, r. Please be aware that the discrete value i might not be an integer. For example, it could be a string representing the kind of a fruit. And even if it is an integer, i might not be zero-based, consider an integer of year. This property inspires us to save large embedding tables in distributed caching/storage services like Redis or Memcached that supports get(i) and set(i, r).

We can run a global service to serve all deep learning jobs on a cluster, or one service for each job.

Read, Init, and Update

In the forward-pass of each iteration, workers read the embedding table. Suppose that we implement the distributed embedding layer as a Keras layer class, the forward-pass computation is in the overloaded method call, which takes a minibatch of inputs and returns the corresponding outputs.

Suppose that a minibatch of training instances contains M unique discrete values, {iⱼ}, where j∈[0, M), we prefer the reading operation return M embedding vectors {rⱼ}.

If an rⱼ doesn’t exist, the call method must randomly initialize it by calling set. The on-the-fly initialization strategy doesn’t create embedding vectors for unseen discrete IDs and works with batch and online learning.

In the configuration of asynchronous distributed SGD, each worker process maintains its local copy of the model, and the parameter server process has the global model. As long as each process runs the training code in a thread, this configuration doesn’t require thread-safe get and set.

In the synchronous configuration, all workers must use the same model in each iteration. More than one workers might initialize the same embedding vector simultaneously, thus requires a new atomic operation: get_or_initialize or set_if_not_exists. Redis API provides set_if_not_exists.

Another case of calling set is model update. With either synchronous and asynchronous case, we can restrict that only worker 0 or the parameter server can update the embedding table. Thus it poses no requirement of thread-safe set.

Before introducing our distributed embedding layer, let us review that of TensorFlow as an inspiration.

Embedding Layers in TensorFlow

TensorFlow assumes that an embedding table is a dense tensor, which implies that users must make sure that the discrete input i is a zero-based integer. TensorFlow provides the feature column API to convert strings and other features into zero-based integers.

By calling tf.create_partitioned_variable to create the embedding table, users can create distributed embedding layers. TensorFlow provides two operators to lookup a distributed embedding table:

  1. tf.nn.embedding_lookup, and
  2. tf.nn.embedding_lookup_sparse.

We will dig into these two functions later in this document. The Keras layer tf.keras.layers.Embedding is a wrapper of tf.nn.embedding_lookup.

tf.keras.layers.Embedding and tf.nn.embedding_lookup

The constructor of tf.keras.layers.Embedding is as follows:

def __init__(

It takes two required arguments, where input_dim is the maximum value of the input discrete value i, output_dim is the length of each embedding vector. This constructor creates an embedding layer and its parameter, the embedding table, as a (partitioned) tensor of shape input_dim x output_dim.

The method defines the forward-pass. It simply calls tf.nn.embedding_lookup.

  def call(self, inputs):
    dtype = K.dtype(inputs)
    if dtype != 'int32' and dtype != 'int64':
      inputs = math_ops.cast(inputs, 'int32')
    out = embedding_ops.embedding_lookup(self.embeddings, inputs)
    return out

The operator tf.nn.embedding_lookup has the following signature:


The input ids is a dense tensor of int32 or int64 elements, where each element identifies an embedding vector in table params. The output consists of embedding vectors shaped the same as ids.

Suppose that a minibatch has N data instances and each instance has M discrete values, we can form ids as a dense tensor of N x M. The output of tf.nn.embedding_lookup has the shape N x M x O, where O is the length of a embedding vector, or output_dim.


If the input is a sparse tensor, we can use tf.nn.embedding_lookup_sparse instead.


The input sparse tensor sp_ids is a N x M SparseTensor of int64 ids where N is typically batch size and M is arbitrary. There must be at least one element in each row of sp_ids.

For each row in the dense tensor represented by sp_ids, the op looks up the embeddings for all ids in that row, multiplies them by the corresponding weight, and combines these embeddings as specified. The combiner could be “mean”, “sqrtn” or “sum”. “sum” computes the weighted sum of the embedding results for each row. “mean” is the weighted sum divided by the total weight. “sqrtn” is the weighted sum divided by the square root of the sum of the squares of the weights.

Thus, the output from tf.nn.embedding_lookup_sparse is a dense tensor of the shape N x O.


We plan to support both the fixed number of input ids as tf.keras.layers.Embedding and tf.nn.embedding_lookup, and inputs with varying number of ids as tf.nn.embedding_lookup_sparse.


Because the embedding table size is not fixed in advance, input_dim argument in tf.keras.layers.Embedding is not used by elasticdl.layers.embedding.

We also need to investigate if elasticdl.layers.embedding can supportembeddings_regularizer, activity_regularizer and embeddings_constraint.


  • if inputs is a N x M SparseTensor, combiner cannot be None. The output shape is N x output_dim.
  • If inputs is a N x M dense tensor, combiner can be None or any of the supported reduction op.
    • If it is None, the output shape is N x M x output_dim.
    • If it is not None, the output shape is N x output_dim.

In this way, elasticdl.layers.embedding supports ops as:

  1. tf.keras.layers.Embedding
  2. tf.nn.embedding_lookup_sparse
  3. tf.keras.layers.Embedding + reduction op combiner.

In this design document, we will describe how to implement elasticdl.layers.Embedding with a dense tensor inputs and combiner as None. It can be extended to support SparseTensor inputs and/or combiner as a reduction op.

In the remaining of this document, we abbreviate elasticdl.layers.Embedding as Embedding.

Distributed storage service for embedding table

Master start distributed storage service when needed

Before starting workers, master should decide whether to start the distributed storage service. A Keras model, whether defined by functional API or by subclass, uses some pre-defined layers as its model building blocks. Master searches Embedding in the model layers. If found, master starts the distributed storage service, and passes the access point to the workers through WorkerManager.

// master.main
embedding_layers = find_layers(model, Embedding)
access_point = None
if embedding_layers:
    access_point = Embedding_service.start_embedding_service()
worker_manager = WorkerManager(
    embedding_access_point = access_point,

Distributed storage will be empty at first. We adopts lazy initialization for embedding vectors, i.e. embedding vectors will be created when they are needed.

Workers supports lookup_embedding using access_point

Worker defines a lookup_embedding function and the Embedding layer will use it in lookup_embedding will use the access point to access the distributed storage.


In the forward-pass of each iteration, embedding layer takes a minibatch of discrete ids and returns the corresponding embedding vectors. Here is a simple example:

Embedding Table with 3 (discrete id, embedding vector) pairs:
    0: [0, 1, 2, 3],
    1: [4, 5, 6, 7],
    2: [8, 9, 10, 11],

Embedding Layer Input:
a minibatch input with 3 instances, each with 2 discrete id
    [0, 2],
    [2, 2],
    [0, 1],

Embedding Layer Output:
a minibatch output with 3 instances, each with 2 embedding vectors
    [[0, 1, 2, 3], [8, 9, 10, 11]],
    [[8, 9, 10, 11], [8, 9, 10, 11]],
    [[0, 1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7]],

Below, we will illustrate the forward-pass of model with Embedding in detail.

In ElasticDL, the core function of model calculation is worker.training_process_eagerly(). It takes a minibatch of features and labels, performs forward calculation and backward calculation, and returns loss and gradients. Here is its code in

[1]    def training_process_eagerly(self, features, labels):
[2]        # GradientTape is used for recording gradients
[3]        with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
[4]            outputs =, training=True)
[5]            loss = self._loss(outputs, labels)
[6]            # Add regularization loss if any
[7]            if self._model.losses:
[8]                loss += tf.math.add_n(self._model.losses)
[9]       grads = tape.gradient(loss, self._model.trainable_variables)
[10]      return loss, grads

When a worker calls, training=True) on line 4 in training with a minibatch, each layer in model will call when it is its turn. For, it will generate a list of unique ids from inputs, lookup corresponding embedding vectors to create a dense tensor BET (Batch Embedding Tensor) and assign the values of BET to Embedding’s output. Here is a simple example:

embedding table is E
minibatch inputs is [[2, 6], [9, 6]]

1. unique_ids is [2, 6, 9]

2. BET is a 2D tensor with 3 embedding vectors:
BET = [

3. output is a 3D tensor with 2 instances, each instance with 2 embedding vectors:
outputs[0][0] = BET[0] = E[2]
outputs[0][1] = BET[1] = E[6]
outputs[1][0] = BET[2] = E[9]
outputs[1][1] = BET[1] = E[6]

Here follows the pseudocode for

def, inputs):
    unique_ids = get_unique_ids(inputs)

    # name is used for generating keys in external distributed storage
    # initializer is used for lazy initialization
    BET = self.worker.lookup_embedding(
        unique_ids,, self.embedding_initializer)

    if self._tape:
        # In order to get the gradient of BET from automatic-differentiation,
        # worker should set Embedding._tape as the current
        # tf.GradientTape before in training.


    # assign BET values to outputs based on the ids:
    # outputs[i][j] = BET[index of inputs[i][j] value in unique_ids]
    outputs = assign_output(BET, unique_ids, inputs)
    return outputs

There are two things that require more explanation.

First, model may call some embedding layers more than once during one forward-pass. Thus we use list to record BET and unique_ids.

Second, worker should set Embedding._tape before This piece of pseudocode will be put between line 3 and line 4 of training_process_eagerly code above:

for all embedding layers in worker: