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Design for ElasticDL Evaluation during Training

The document describes the ElasticDL evaluation process design.

The Existing Evaluation Design

The master starts to evaluate model every many steps defined by eval_steps or every many seconds defined by eval_secs. When an evaluation job starts, the master creates evaluation tasks and inserts them into todo queue at head. Then the worker pulls an evaluation task after completing the current task. Because evaluation tasks are located at the head of todo queue. The worker pulls model from parameter servers (PS) and calculates model prediction outputs with records in the evaluation task, then it reports the outputs to master. The evaluation sequence is shown as:

Figure 1. ElasticDL Evaluate Sequence

To speed up training, the worker creates by API to construct an input pipeline to load data. The flowchart of training loop and evaluation in worker is shown as:

Figure 2. Flowchart of Train and Evaluation in Worker

While the worker is performing train step N, the Dataset.prefetch thread is preparing the data for step N+1. If step N is the last batch in the task, the generator in the worker for Dataset will keep pulling the continuous evaluation tasks until the task type is training. Then worker generates a train batch for step N+1 by Dataset.prefetch.

There are two problems in the existing evaluation design:

  • Problem 1: One worker will get all evaluation tasks in the flowchart shown as Figure 2.

    As shown in the 10th step of Figure 1., the master generates evaluation tasks and insert them into the head of todo queue when an evaluation job starts. When one worker starts to process the last mini-batch in its task, it will get next task until the task type is training to prepare next mini-batch for Dataset.prefetch. The result is that the worker will get all evaluation tasks before it gets the next training task. Meanwhile, the master will remove all evaluation tasks from todo to doing list and other workers can not get any evaluation task. As a result, the evaluation speed is low.

  • Problem 2:

    For current ElasticDL, workers may use the embedding vectors from different model versions for evaluation. For non-embedding variables, workers will use the same version from checkpoint.

    As shown in Figure 1. The worker 1 gets model from the PS at the 15th step. But the worker 2 is slow, so it get the model later at 25th step. However, the PS has updated the model parameters by gradients from the worker 2 before the worker 2 gets the model to evaluate. The model for evaluation is not consistent. The variable is the same, but the embedding vectors are always changing. So records assigned to different workers in the same validation dataset will be evaluated with different model versions.

Proposals for Evaluation Design

Evaluate with The Current Model in PS

  1. The PS updates model variables if it receives gradients from the worker after an evaluation job starts.

    The solution is the same as existing design in ElasticDL which can not resolve Problem 2. To resolve Problem 1, the master can divide train and evaluation tasks into two todo lists at the 10th step in Figure 1. When evaluation starts, the master generates evaluation tasks and inserts those into the evaluation todo list not the training list. The worker will try to pull a evaluation task before the worker executes forward-pass computation for every mini-batch samples. If the worker succeed pulling an evaluation task, it will make inference and report the results to master until it cannot get any evaluation task.


  2. PS stops to update model variables when an evaluation job starts.

    As shown in Figure 1, PS will not execute the 18th and 19th steps after an evaluation job starts at the 10th step. So, the model worker 2 get is the same as the worker 1. The solution can resolve Problem 2 and also can resolve Problem 1 by solution in Figure 3.. But, the training process must wait all evaluation tasks have been completed.

Questions to discuss:

  • None of training checkpoints will be evaluated in above two solutions which are different from tf.estimator. tf.estimator will load the last checkpoint saved by train to evaluate in a separated pod named evaluator.
  • Should master preserve the model to checkpoint after evaluation?

Evaluate by Loading Checkpoint

Generally, deep learning frameworks preserve model as checkpoint every many seconds or steps. So PS can load the model from checkpoint for evaluation. There are also two designs for PS to load model.

  1. The master launches additional pods as evaluation PS.

    When an evaluation job starts, the master will launch additional pods as evaluation PS and evaluation PS will load the model from checkpoint.The worker gets a model from evaluation PS to inference model outputs for evaluation tasks and reports outputs to master.The master will release those pods after receiving all outputs of evaluation tasks from the worker. In this case, evaluation is separated from train. So, some workers can process evaluation tasks and other workers can process train tasks at the same time. But more additional pods are needed. What’s more, the master can launch a new evaluation-only ElasticDL job to evaluate checkpoint model. The new job has independent master, workers and PS separated from training job.

  2. The existing PS stops training tasks and loads model from a checkpoint to evaluate.

    When an evaluation job starts, the PS saves the current model to the temporary file and loads model from the last checkpoint. After evaluation, PS will restore the model from temporary file preserved and continue to train. The design of PS will be very complicated in this case. What’s more, some workers may be reporting gradients when the master change model to evaluation for PS and PS can not update model by those gradients at this moment. So, this method may be not good choice for high cost.


  1. If the inconsistency with gradients of several mini-batches between model variables and embedding vectors to evaluate is acceptable, the first solution in Evaluate with the Current Model in PS can be adopted. Otherwise,the master should send stop signals to PS to stop update model after an evaluation job starts.
  2. The solution to evaluate by loading checkpoint to PS is the same as the design of tf.estimator. But more additional pods are needed or more complicated design of PS are needed.
  3. During training loop, we can allow some inconsistencies in stand-alone evaluation job but ensure correct and precise evaluation results when doing checkpoint evaluation job.

The Selected Solution for ElasticDL

Considering the complexity to launch and manage a new job to load checkpoint, we choose to evaluate the model with the current model in PS. For simplicity, we don’t stop training tasks when an evaluation job starts. To implement the solution, we should make the following modification:

  1. The master should create two todo queues to save training tasks and evaluation tasks.

  2. We should add the type attribute to GetTaskRequest. The master returns a training task or an evaluation task according to the type in GetTaskRequest.

    message GetTaskRequest {
        int32 worker_id = 1;
        string type = 2;
  3. We should modify the execution flow to train and evaluate on the worker. The proposal flowchart has been showed in Figure. 3.


Introduction to tf.estimator Evaluation Process

tf.estimator will launch pods as pservers, workers and evaluator when a distributed train job is submitted with ParameterServerStrategy. The evaluator does not participate in training process. tf.estimator decides when to evaluate by throttle secs. tf.estimator will check whether there are new checkpoints in

checkpoint directory every throttle_secs after the last evaluation ends. The evaluator only has one instance and it will restore the whole model from the last checkpoint. So, the evaluation of tf.estimator is not distributed and not fault-tolerant.